§ 42-28.2-1 Legislative declaration ofintent. The legislature hereby finds and declares that police work, a basic adjunct oflaw enforcement, is professional in nature, requiring proper educational andclinical training in a state as densely populated as Rhode Island; that in ourfree society, better law enforcement can be achieved through higher standardsof efficiency in police work than in retributive measures against those whocommit crime; that the protection of the health, safety, and welfare of ourcitizens, can best be met by the creation of an educational training andrecruitment program for persons who seek careers as police officers in orderthat such persons while serving in a probationary capacity prior to permanentappointment will receive training at approved recruit and in-service trainingfacilities; and that, by qualifying and becoming proficient in the field of lawenforcement, those persons will individually and collectively better insure thehealth, safety, and welfare of the citizens of this state in their respectivecommunities.