§ 42-28.2-10 Discretionary powers ofcommission. The commission on standards and training may:
(1) Visit and inspect the police training school, or examinethe curriculum or training procedures, for which application for approval hasbeen made.
(2) Authorize the issuance of certificates of graduation ordiplomas by the approved police training school to police officers who havesatisfactorily completed minimum courses of study.
(3) Cooperate with state, federal, and local police agenciesin establishing and conducting local or area schools or regional trainingcenters for instruction and training of police officers of this state, itscities or towns.
(4) Adopt such regulations as are necessary to carry out thepurpose of this chapter.
(5) Make recommendations to the director of public safety onmatters pertaining to qualification and training of police officers.
(6) Approve the use of training schools certified pursuant to§ 42-28.2-6 by the departments of any municipality pursuant to anagreement between that municipality and the municipality operating the facility.