§ 42-28.2-6 Meetings Powers ofcommission. The commission on standards and training shall meet at least four (4) times ineach year and shall hold special meetings when called by the chairperson or, inhis or her absence, by the vice-chairperson. The commission shall have thecontrol and supervision of the Rhode Island state police academy in Foster,Rhode Island, to the extent necessary to effectuate the purpose of thischapter; provided that control shall not interfere with the use of the academyto the state police. The commission may certify the training school of anymunicipality as it determines that the school has facilities and a program oftraining substantially comparable to those of the municipal police trainingschool established by § 42-28.2-2. The chairperson, with the approval of amajority of the members of the commission, shall appoint such permanent andtemporary staff as are necessary to carry out the purpose of this chapter.