§ 42-28.3-1 Test to be given. (a) In addition to any other requirement, no person shall be appointed aprobationary or permanent state, city or town police officer, boating safetyofficer, conservation officer or park police officer within the department ofenvironmental management, or correctional officer at the adult correctionalinstitutions or at the training schools for boys or girls, after May 8, 1973,or a boating safety officer, conservation officer or park officer, within thedepartment of environmental management after July 1, 1979, or civilian securityspecialist at any national guard facility after January 31, 1984, a RhodeIsland state deputy marshal appointed on or after July 1, 1990, until he or sheshall have been tested and evaluated with standardized procedures by apsychologist certified in accordance with the provisions of chapter 44 of title5. The cost of the test and evaluation shall be borne by the appointingauthority.
(b) The psychologist shall provide a report in writing of hisor her evaluation together with pertinent recommendations for the guidance ofthe appointing authority in considering the total fitness of said person forthe appointment. Any candidate who receives an unsatisfactory rating shall beineligible for any of the above specified positions.