§ 42-28.8-3 Reporting and distribution ofinformation. The police departments of the various towns and cities of the state shallimmediately enter the information on the missing person into the National CrimeInformation Center computer of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and informthe National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. Police departmentsshall provide to the parents or guardians of the missing child informationrelease forms from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children andadvise them of the services of the National Center for Missing and ExploitedChildren. The missing children's information center shall send a report to themissing children's information center of the state police. The missingchildren's information center shall distribute the names of and otherdescriptive information about these children to the state registrar of vitalstatistics in the department of health, the commissioner of education, theschool districts of the state, all branches of the United States Postal Servicein the state, and all law enforcement agencies in the state.