§ 42-28.8-7 School records Flaggingrequired. (a) Upon notification by the missing children's information center of aperson's disappearance, the commissioner of education shall cause any school inwhich the person is currently or was previously enrolled to flag the record ofthat person in such a manner that whenever a copy of or information regardingthe record is requested, the school shall be alerted to the fact that therecord is that of a missing person.
(b) In response to any inquiry, the school shall not providea copy of the school records or other information concerning the person whoserecord is flagged pursuant to this section except as approved by the missingchildren's information center.
(c) When a copy of the school record of a person whose recordhas been flagged is requested in person, the school personnel accepting therequest shall immediately notify his or her supervisor. The person making therequest shall complete a form supplying his or her name, address, telephonenumber, social security number, and relationship to the missing person and thename, address, and birth date of the missing person. The driver's license ofthe person making the request, if available, shall be photocopied and returnedto him or her. He or she shall be informed that a copy of the records shall bemailed to him or her. The school personnel shall note the physical descriptionof the person making the request, and, upon the latter's departure from theschool's office, his or her supervisor shall immediately notify the missingchildren's information center as to the request and the information obtainedpursuant to this section. The school shall retain the form completed by theperson making the request unless the missing children's information centerrequests otherwise.
(d) When a copy of the school records of a person whoserecord has been flagged is requested in writing, the school personnel receivingthe request shall immediately notify his or her supervisor. The supervisorshall immediately notify the local law enforcement authority or the missingchildren's information center as to the request and shall provide a copy of thewritten request. The school shall retain the original written request unlessotherwise requested by the missing children's information center.