§ 42-28-12 Members assigned to towns. Upon the request of the town council of any town, duly presented to thesuperintendent, that a member or members of the division be assigned to duty inthat town, the superintendent, in his or her discretion, may assign a member ormembers of the division to duty in that town and thereupon the superintendent,in his or her judgment, may appoint a member or members of the division inaddition to the number of members hereinabove provided for; provided, however,that upon making the request, the town shall agree to pay the salary andexpenses of the member or members of the division during the period of suchduty in the manner hereinafter specified. Each such additional member of thedivision shall thereupon become a member of the division of state police, andeach member so assigned to duty as aforesaid shall during the period of suchduty continue to be a member of the division of state police, but his or hersalary and expenses shall be paid by the town requesting that he or she beassigned to duty therein. The superintendent shall have full power at all timesto withdraw any member assigned to duty in that town and assign another memberto his or her place or to discontinue such duty and to make no assignment toreplace.