§ 42-28-16 Statewide policetelecommunications system. The division of state police is hereby authorized and empowered to provide forthe installation, operation, and maintenance of a computerizedtelecommunications system for the purpose of promptly collecting, exchanging,disseminating, and distributing information relating to police and divisionalproblems of the state and the several cities and towns. The system is to beinstalled, operated, and maintained in accordance with rules and regulationsadopted from time to time by the superintendent of state police and unitsthereof located in such state departments and agencies and in such cities andtowns as have organized police headquarters and are approved by thesuperintendent, and may connect directly or indirectly with similar systems inother states. The superintendent of state police is authorized to provide forthe location of receiving system computer site and to employ the necessarypersonnel for its operation. The system shall be called the "Rhode Island LawEnforcement Telecommunications System" or "RILETS". The state departments andagencies and the cities and towns are authorized to provide at their ownexpense, within the appropriations provided by law, for the location of theterminal and telecommunications equipment and for the personnel and suppliesfor their proper operation. The character of communication sent and the time,place, and manner of sending messages and all matters in connection with theRILETS system shall be under the control and management of the superintendentof state police.