§ 42-28-3.1 AMBER Alert. (a) The division of state police, in consultation with other appropriateagencies, shall develop a voluntary partnership between law enforcementagencies, media outlets and other appropriate entities to send out emergencyalerts entitled the Rhode Island America's Missing: Broadcast EmergencyResponse Plan ("AMBER Plan"). The AMBER Plan shall provide a pro-activeemergency public alert plan as part of the response to serious child abductioncases that may be expediently triggered by law enforcement personnel inaccordance with protocols and procedures established by the division of statepolice in consultation with appropriate law enforcement authorities, the RhodeIsland emergency management agency, state and local officials and cooperatingmembers of the broadcast media ("AMBER Alert").
(b) Once a law enforcement agency has confirmed that a childhas been abducted and that the circumstances of the abduction indicate that thechild is in serious danger of bodily harm or death, the confirming agency willobtain descriptive information for the AMBER Alert, contact the state police toprovide the descriptive information to the state police and identify a point ofcontact within their agency.