§ 42-29-19 Attendance on general assemblyand courts. (a) The sheriffs shall attend the general assembly when in session. The sheriffof Providence county shall designate as sheriffs such number of deputy sheriffsto attend the session of the supreme court as the chief justice may request andany such sheriff shall be relieved of attendance at the request of the chiefjustice. The sheriffs of the several counties shall, by themselves or theirdeputies, attend the session of the superior court held within their respectivecounties and shall designate as sheriffs such number of deputy sheriffs toattend the session as the presiding justice of the superior court may request.The sheriffs of the several counties shall, by themselves or their deputies,attend the sessions of the district court as required by law.
(b) The sheriffs of the several counties shall designate assheriffs such number of deputy sheriffs to attend such sessions of the familycourt held within their respective counties as the chief judge of the familycourt may request.