§ 42-30-13 Fees of notaries. The fees of notaries public shall be as follows:
(1) For noting a marine protest, one dollar ($1.00);
(2) For drawing and extending a marine protest and recordingit, one dollar and fifty cents ($1.50);
(3) For taking affidavits, twenty-five cents (25¢);
(4) For travel, per mile, ten cents (10¢);
(5) For taking acknowledgment of any instrument and affixinghis seal, one dollar ($1.00);
(6) For the protest of a bill of exchange, order or draft,for non-acceptance or nonpayment, or of a promissory note or check fornonpayment, if the amount thereof is five hundred dollars ($500) or more, onedollar ($1.00), if it is less than five hundred dollars ($500), for recordingthe same, fifty cents (50¢);
(7) For noting the non-acceptance or nonpayment of a bill ofexchange, order or draft, or the nonpayment of a promissory note or check,seventy-five cents (75¢); and
(8) For each notice of the non-acceptance or nonpayment of abill, order, draft, check, or note, given to a party liable for the paymentthereof, twenty-five cents (25¢);
provided, that the whole cost of protest, including necessarynotices and the record, shall not exceed two dollars ($2.00), and the wholecost of noting, including notices, shall in no case exceed one dollar andtwenty-five cents ($1.25).