§ 42-30-14 Public officers having notarypowers. (a) Every state senator, state representative, member of a city or towncouncil, chief, deputy, and assistant clerk of any state court, clerks of theboard of canvassers, and worker's compensation court, and municipal clerk andthe board of canvassers registrar during the period for which he or she hasbeen elected or appointed, shall, upon completion of the certificate ofengagement as set forth in § 42-30-4, have the power to act as a notarypublic as provided in this chapter.
(b) Two (2) police officers from each state and local policedepartment, as identified in writing by the chief of police, shall, uponcompletion of the certificate of engagement as set forth in § 42-30-4,have the power to act as a notary public as provided in this chapter. No officeholder set forth in this section shall be required to pay the commission fee asprovided in § 42-30-5. The office holders must complete the certificate ofengagement as set forth in § 42-30-4.