§ 42-34-5 Manager. (a) The manager shall be appointed by the authority and his or her tenure ofoffice shall be at the pleasure of the authority. He or she shall be in theunclassified service.
(b) The manager shall be the chief administrative officer forthe authority and as such shall direct and supervise the administrative affairsand technical activities of the authority in accordance with rules,regulations, and policies set forth by the authority. It shall be the duty ofthe manager among other things:
(1) To attend all meetings of the authority, and to act asits secretary and keep minutes of all its proceedings.
(2) To approve all accounts for salaries, per diems,allowable expenses of the authority or of any employee or consultant thereof,and expenses incidental to the operation of the authority.
(3) To maintain a close liaison with the department ofeconomic development and provide assistance to the various divisions of thedepartment to facilitate the planning and financing of industrial and/orrecreational projects.
(4) To make recommendations and reports in cooperation withthe department of economic development to the authority on the merits of anyproposed industrial and/or recreational project, on the status of localindustrial and/or recreational development corporations, and on meritoriousindustrial and/or recreational locations.
(5) To perform such other duties as may be directed by theauthority in the carrying out of the purposes of this chapter.