§ 42-35.1-2 Definitions. As used in this section:
(1) "Agency" means each state board, commission, department,or officer authorized by law to make regulations or to determine contestedcases;
(2) "Proposed regulation" means a proposal by an agency for anew regulation or for a change in, addition to, or repeal of an existingregulation;
(3) "Regulation" means each agency statement of generalapplicability, without regard to its designation, that implements, interprets,or prescribes law or policy, or describes the organization, procedure, orpractice requirements of agency. The term includes the amendment or repeal of aprior regulation but does not include; (i) Statements concerning only theinternal management of any agency and not affecting private rights ofprocedures available to the public, (ii) Declaratory ruling; (iii) Intra-agencyor interagency memoranda; (iv) An order;
(4) "Small business" shall have the same meaning as in §42-35-1.