§ 42-45.1-7 Cooperation by state andmunicipal agencies Notice and investigation of possible adverse effectsof state projects. All state agencies, departments, institutions, and commissions, as well as allmunicipalities, shall cooperate fully with the historical preservationcommission in the preservation, protection, excavation, and evaluation ofspecimens and sites and to that end:
(1) When any state or municipal agency finds or is made awareby an appropriate historical or archaeological authority that its operation inconnection with any state, state assisted, state licensed, or contractedproject, activity, or program adversely affects or may adversely affectscientific, historical, or archaeological data, the agency shall notify thestate historical preservation commission and shall provide the commission withappropriate information concerning the project, program, or activity. Theprovisions of this chapter shall be made known to contractors by the stateagencies doing the contracting.
(2) The state historical preservation commission, uponnotification, shall, after reasonable notice to the responsible agency, conducta field investigation.
(3) The state historical preservation commission shallinitiate actions within thirty (30) days of notification under subdivision (1)or within such time as agreed upon by the parties involved. The responsibleagency is authorized to expend agency funds for the purpose of assisting thecommission with the field investigations.