§ 42-5-1 Period of daylight saving time. At two o'clock antemeridian (2:00 a.m.) of the second Sunday in March of eachyear, the standard time in this state shall be advanced one hour, and at twoo'clock antemeridian (2:00 a.m.) of the first Sunday in November of each yearthe standard time in this state shall, by the retarding of one hour, be made tocoincide with the mean astronomical time of the degree of longitude governingthe zone wherein the state is situated, the standard official time of which isdescribed as United States standard eastern time so that between the secondSunday in March at two o'clock antemeridian (2:00 a.m.) and the first Sunday inNovember at two o'clock antemeridian (2:00 a.m.) in each year the standard timeof the state shall be one hour in advance of the United States standard easterntime.