§ 42-51-10 State coordinating committee ondisability rights. The commission shall establish a state coordinating committee on disabilityrights to advise and assist the commission to implement self-evaluation andcompliance plans as required by federal and state laws protecting the rights ofindividuals with disabilities. The committee shall be composed of thirteen (13)members who shall be as follows: one representative of each of the generalofficers of the state, appointed by that general officer; one representative ofthe house of representatives, appointed by the speaker of house; onerepresentative of the senate, appointed by the president of the senate; onerepresentative of the judiciary, appointed by the chief justice of the supremecourt; one representative of each of the boards of education, appointed by thechairperson of that board; one representative of the public transit authority,appointed by the chairperson of the authority, and those additionalrepresentatives the chairperson of the governor's commission on disabilitiesmay appoint from the executive branch and the general public. Those personsacting as committee members on July 21, 1992 shall continue to so act untiltheir successors are appointed. Each member shall serve at the pleasure of theappointing authority. The chairperson of the governor's commission ondisabilities shall preside at meetings of the committee. The executivesecretary of the governor's commission on disabilities shall serve as vicechairperson of the committee.