§ 42-51-11 Mary Brennan fellowship fund. (a) There is established the Mary Brennan fellowship fund ("the fellowshipfund"), which shall be utilized to create a fellowship program for collegestudents with disabilities.
(b) These fellowships shall provide a semester-long,part-time placement with the commission in Rhode Island, working on disabilitypolicy and research. Each fellow will be assigned to a specific placement,providing assistance to the commission in disability policy. Mentor experienceswill introduce the fellows to disability policy issues and actions at thelocal, state and federal levels. The fellowships will offer students anopportunity to:
(1) Gain perspective on the role and responsibility of thecommission;
(2) Knowledge of national/state disability programs;
(3) Policy issues and research;
(4) Meet with decision makers, experts and critics indisability and related policy fields; and
(5) Develop networks with local, regional, and national basedexperts, and researchers who can assist in career development and futureendeavors.
(c) The commission will provide each fellow with a stipend ofat least one thousand five hundred dollars ($1,500) and reimbursement forauthorized travel.
(d) This fellowship program is designed for individuals withdemonstrated leadership and expertise in policy and research affecting peoplewith disabilities. Applicants must have:
(1) Completed at least three (3) semesters of college-levelstudy;
(2) Be enrolled as a full or part-time student in anaccredited college or university in Rhode Island;
(3) Leadership ability;
(4) The endorsement of a current ormer supervisor;
(5) Approval on the part of the college/university to receivecredit for the fellowship if selected; and
(6) The ability to participate in the semester-long programin Providence for at least two hundred and forty (240) hours during the springand fall semesters or in the summer.
(e) The commission shall give preference in its selection offellows to Rhode Island residents who are:
(1) College students with disabilities, and then to
(2) College students enrolled in a course of study ineducation and/or human services for persons with disabilities.
(f) The general assembly shall appropriate ten thousanddollars ($10,000) for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1998 and annually thesums it deems necessary to implement the purposes of this section.
(g) The commission is authorized and empowered to receivedonations and grants from sources including, but not limited to, the federalgovernment, governmental and private foundations, and corporate and individualdonors; these donations and grants to be deposited in the fellowship fund. Thecommission may create additional fellowships from available funds.