§ 42-51-6 Duties. It shall be the duty of the commission to work in cooperation with the NationalCouncil on Disability and other interested federal, state, and local agencies,organizations, and employers in:
(1) Promoting on behalf of the people with disabilities andassuring, on behalf of the state, that people with disabilities are affordedthe opportunities to exercise all of the rights and responsibilities accordedto citizens of this state;
(2) Arousing community interest in the concerns of peoplewith disabilities through the utilization of whatever community and stateresources the commission may deem necessary to accomplish the maximum inindependent living and human development;
(3) Coordinating compliance with federal and state lawsprotecting the rights of individuals with disabilities by state agencies;
(4) Providing technical assistance to public and privateagencies, businesses, and citizens in complying with federal and state lawsprotecting the rights of individuals with disabilities; and
(5) From time to time, but not less than once a year, toreport to the legislature and the governor, describing the investigations,proceedings, and hearings the commission has conducted and their outcome, thedecisions it has rendered, and the other work performed by it, and makerecommendations for further legislation concerning abuses and discriminationbased on disability that may be desirable.