§ 42-51-6.2 Committees and mediationteams. (a) The commission is authorized to create advisory committees and mediationteams to perform tasks within the jurisdiction of the commission.
(b) The commission may itself, or it may empower thesecommittees and mediation teams to:
(1) Study the concerns of people with disabilities inreaching the maximum in independent living and human development and exercisingall of the rights and responsibilities accorded to citizens of this state;
(2) Arouse community interest in the concerns of people withdisabilities;
(3) Foster through community effort or otherwise good willamong the groups and elements of the population of the state towards peoplewith disabilities; and
(4) Attempt by informal methods of conference, persuasion,and conciliation, to induce compliance with matters within the jurisdiction ofthe commission.
(c) The committees and teams may make recommendations to thecommission for the development of policies and procedures in general.
(d) Advisory committees and mediation teams created by thecommission shall be composed of representative citizens serving without pay,but with reimbursement for actual and necessary traveling expenses.
(e) Three (3) members of a committee constitutes a quorum forthe purpose of conducting the business of that committee.