§ 42-51-8 Transfer of personnel. (a) All of the personnel and employees of the "governor's committee onemployment of the handicapped" shall be transferred to the "governor'scommission on the handicapped". No person in the classified, non-classified, orunclassified service of the state on May 28, 1985 shall be discharged,separated from service, or downgraded in service by reason of the enactment ofthis chapter as provided by law or in the personnel rules and regulations ofthe state applicable to affected personnel.
(b) All of the personnel and employees of the state buildingcommission who enforce § 42-87-5 on August 1, 2002, shall be transferredto the governor's commission on disabilities. No person in the classified,non-classified, or unclassified service of the state on August 1, 2002, shallbe discharged, separated from service, or downgraded in service by reason ofthe enactment of this act as provided by law or in applicable personnel rulesand regulations.