§ 42-55-22.2 Fair housing policy reports. The corporation shall administer all of its programs and activities relating tohousing or community development in a manner affirmatively to further thepolicies of chapter 37 of title 34 (Rhode Island Fair Housing Practices Act).The corporation shall annually report to the general assembly on the measuresit has taken affirmatively to further the policies of chapter 37 of title 34.The corporation shall compile a biennial affirmative action report which willindicate the extent of minority participation in the following corporationprograms:
(1) Homeownership Programs
(i) First Homes
(ii) Buy-It-Fix-It
(iii) Mortgage Credit Certificates;
(2) Home Equity Conversion Mortgage;
(3) Home Repair Program
(i) Owner occupants
(ii) Tenants;
(4) Rental Housing Development
(i) Family
(ii) Elderly;
(5) Emergency Housing Assistance.