§ 42-56.1-9 Appropriation. The state shall bear the expense for educational incentive payments. Thegeneral assembly shall annually appropriate the sums it may deem necessary tocarry out the provisions of this chapter, and the state controller is directedto draw his or her orders upon the general treasurer for payment of that sum orso much as may be required from time to time, upon receipt by him or her ofduly authorized vouchers. It is further provided that the sum of sixteenthousand dollars ($16,000) is appropriated to the department of corrections tocarry out the purposes of this chapter as to obligations incurred from July 1,1974 to December 30, 1974 out of any money in the treasury not otherwiseappropriated to be expended during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1975, andthe state controller is authorized and directed to draw his or her orders uponthe general treasurer for the payment of those sums, or so much as may berequired from time to time, upon receipt by him or her of properlyauthenticated vouchers.