§ 42-56-18 Inmate furloughs. (a) The classification board of the department of corrections provided for by§ 42-56-30 by a vote of at least three (3) of the five (5) members andupon the approval of the director, or his or her designee, may allow a personcommitted to the adult correctional institutions to leave that place onfurlough within or without the state of Rhode Island; provided that, during theperiod of the furlough the person furloughed shall be deemed to remaincommitted to confinement to the adult correctional institutions. Whether or notthe person is to be accompanied on furlough shall be determined by thedirector, or his or her designee. The department of corrections may make anappropriate charge for the necessary expenses of accompanying a person onfurlough. Those furloughs may be granted for a period of time not to exceedfourteen (14) days in any six (6)-month period for any of the followingpurposes:
(1) To visit a spouse, child, including a stepchild oradopted child, parent, including a stepparent or foster parent, grandparent,including a stepgrandparent, grandchild, or brother or sister, or half-brotheror half-sister who is seriously ill or to attend the funeral or wake of any ofthese persons as determined by the department of corrections; or
(2) To obtain medical, psychiatric, or psychological serviceswhen adequate services are not otherwise available; or
(3) To make contracts for employment, for educational and/orvocational training activities not available at the adult correctionalinstitutions; or
(4) To secure a residence upon release on parole ordischarge; or
(5) To visit the person's family, or other person(s) who hasdeveloped a regular pattern of visitation with the inmate as shall bedetermined suitable by the director, or his or her designee; or
(6) To obtain a marriage license or other permits required bylaw to marry.
(b) It is further provided that the director, or in his orher absence, his or her designee may permit emergency furloughs in categories(a)(1) and (a)(2) only, without the prior approval of the classification boardwhen he or she determines that an emergency exists; provided that, anyemergency furlough shall terminate unless further extended by the requisitevote of the next regularly scheduled meeting of the classification board.
(c) It is further provided that eligibility for furloughsprovided in categories (a)(3), (a)(4), and (a)(5) shall be limited to thefollowing categories of committed persons:
(1) Those eligible for work, training, or education programsin accordance with the provisions of § 42-56-21.
(2) In the case of a person sentenced to imprisonment forlife after having served not less than eight (8) years of his or her sentence,and where there exists reasonable cause to believe that the person istrustworthy.
(d) The director shall annually, on or before the firstMonday in February, submit a written report to the general assembly relative tothe number of persons furloughed or to engage in work release under theprovisions of § 42-56-21 during the preceding year, and shall include inthe report a list of all criminal charges and convictions incurred by personscommitted to the adult correctional institutions while in furlough or workrelease status.