§ 42-56-24 Earned time for good behavioror program participation or completion. (a) The director, or his or her designee, shall keep a record of the conduct ofeach prisoner, and for each month that a prisoner who has been sentenced toimprisonment for six (6) months or more and not under sentence to imprisonmentfor life, appears by the record to have faithfully observed all the rules andrequirements of the institutions and not to have been subjected to discipline,and is serving a sentence imposed for violation of sexual offenses under§§ 11-37-2, 11-37-4, 11-37-6, 11-37-8, 11-37-8.1 and 11-37-8.3 or11-9-1.3 there shall, with the consent of the director of the department ofcorrections, or his or her designee, upon recommendation to him or her by theassistant director of institutions/operations, be deducted from the term orterms of sentence of that prisoner the same number of days that there are yearsin the term of his or her sentence; provided, that when the sentence is for alonger term than ten (10) years, only ten (10) days shall be deducted for onemonth's good behavior; and provided, further, that in the case of sentences ofat least six (6) months and less than one year, one day per month shall bededucted.
For the purposes of this subsection computing the number ofdays to be deducted for good behavior, consecutive sentences shall be countedas a whole sentence. This subsection recognizes the serious nature of sexoffenses; promotes community safety and protection of the public; and maintainsthe ability of the department of corrections to oversee the rehabilitation andsupervision of sex offenders.
(b) For all prisoners serving sentences of more than onemonth, and not serving a sentence of imprisonment for life or a sentenceimposed for a violation of the sexual offenses identified in subsection (a) thedirector, or his or her designee, shall keep a record of the conduct of eachprisoner, and for each month that prisoner has faithfully observed all therules and requirements of the institutions and has not been subjected todiscipline, there shall, with the consent of the director of the department ofcorrections or his or her designee and upon recommendation by the assistantdirector of institutions/operations, be deducted from the term or terms ofsentence of that prisoner ten (10) days for each month's good behavior.
(c) For every day a prisoner shall be shut up or otherwisedisciplined for bad conduct, as determined by the assistant director,institutions/operations, subject to the authority of the director, there shallbe deducted one day from the time he or she shall have gained for good conduct.
(d) The assistant director, or his or her designee, subjectto the authority of the director, shall have the power to restore lost goodconduct time in whole or in part upon a showing by the prisoner of subsequentgood behavior and disposition to reform.
(e) For each month that a prisoner who has been sentenced toimprisonment for more than one month and not under sentence to imprisonment forlife who has faithfully engaged in institutional industries there shall, withthe consent of the director, upon the recommendations to him or her by theassistant director, institutions/operations, be deducted from the term or termsof the prisoner an additional two (2) days a month.
(f) Except those prisoners serving a sentence imposed forviolation of any sexual offense committed under §§ 11-37-2, 11-37-4,11-37-6, 11-37-8, 11-37-8.1, 11-37-8.3 or 11-9-13, for each month that aprisoner who has been sentenced to imprisonment for more than one month and notunder sentence to imprisonment for life has participated faithfully in programsthat have been determined by the director or his/her designee to address thatprisoner's individual needs that are related to his/her criminal behavior,there may, with the consent of the director and upon the recommendation of theassistant director, rehabilitative services, be deducted from the term or termsof the prisoner up to an additional five (5) days a month. Furthermore,whenever the prisoner has successfully completed such program, they may; withthe consent of the director and upon the recommendation by the assistantdirector, rehabilitative services, be deducted from the term or terms of theprisoner up to an additional thirty (30) days.