§ 42-56-26 Additional time allowed formeritorious service. With the exception of the prisoners eligible for credits pursuant tosubsections 42-56-24(b) and 42-56-24(f), any prisoner sentenced to imprisonmentfor one year or more in the adult correctional institutions, whether thesentence was imposed before or after May 8, 1974, shall be eligible to havededucted from his or her sentence up to three (3) days per month up to amaximum of thirty-six (36) days per year, when in the determination of thedirector, or his or her designee, an inmate has performed heroic acts affectingthe lives and welfare of the institutional personnel, inmates, or the generalpublic, or when an inmate has submitted extraordinary and useful ideas andplans which have been implemented for the benefit of the state resulting insubstantial savings and/or a higher degree of efficiency or performance whileparticipating in and completing academic or vocational education programs, orwhen an inmate has submitted useful ideas concerning academic or vocationalprograms which have been implemented at the adult correctional institutions.Nothing in this section shall be construed to deprive a prisoner of timealready accumulated or deducted prior to May 8, 1974.