§ 42-56-4 Organization of department. All of the functions, services, and duties of the department of correctionsshall be organized by the director with the approval of the governor accordingto the following divisions:
(1) Institutions/operations shall include, but notnecessarily be limited to, the administration generally and specifically of thestate's correctional institutions, and other similar or appropriate functionsas determined by the director with the approval of the governor.
(2) Administration shall include, but not necessarily belimited to, the administration generally and specifically of all centralmanagement, financial, personnel, and budgetary functions, the provisions ofcentral technical services and other services concerned with the business andservicing operations of the department, planning and research, managementinformation systems, human resources, training, and labor relations, and thoseother similar or appropriate functions that are determined by the director withthe approval of the governor.
(3) Rehabilitative services shall include industries, healthservices, intermediary sanctions (including, but not limited to, half-wayhouses, day reporting centers, home confinement, probation, parole,restitution, and community service) and work release, and any other programs ofintermediate punishments established pursuant to the provisions of §12-19-23.2.
(4) Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, all of thefunctions, services, and duties of the department of corrections may be, fromtime to time, reorganized by the director with the approval of the governor.