§ 42-56-5 Director to be the appointingauthority. The director of the department of corrections, subject to the provisions ofchapter 4 of title 36, shall be the appointing authority for all employees ofthe department, and he or she may assign this function to those subordinateofficers and employees that may to him or her seem feasible or desirable.Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the director shall appoint theassistant directors in charge of the divisions of the department createdpursuant to § 42-56-4, as amended. The assistant director,institution/operations, the assistant director, rehabilitative services, andthe assistant director, administration, shall be in the unclassified service,shall serve at the pleasure of the director, and shall be subject to theauthority and supervision of the director who may assign to them those tasksand functions that the director deems appropriate in order to ensure the propermanagement and administration of the department.