§ 42-57-3 Organization of foundation. (a) The foundation shall consist of the director of the department ofenvironmental management, or his or her designee, and nine (9) public members,appointed by the governor with the advice and consent of the senate. In makingappointments under this section, the governor shall solicit and give dueconsideration to the recommendations of the following persons, communities andorganizations:
(1) Rhode Island historical preservation commission;
(2) Newport city council;
(3) Fort Adams Trust;
(4) Artillery Company of Newport County;
(5) Newport Historical Society;
(6) Rhode Island National Guard;
(7) Rhode Island economic development corporation;
(8) Newport county chamber of commerce; and
(9) Preservation society of Newport county.
In making appointments under this section, the governor shallalso give due consideration to the appointment of persons with expertise andexperience in the fields of American history, military history, historicpreservation, museums, education, historic architecture and/or engineering.
(b) The membership of the foundation shall elect from amongstitself a member to act as chairperson.
(c) The power of the foundation shall vest in and beexercised by or under the authority of its members, five (5) of whom shallconstitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
(d) Employees of the foundation shall be selected andappointed by the foundation, and shall be vested with those powers and dutiesthat the foundation may determine.
(e) All appointed members of the foundation as of theeffective date of this act [June 16, 2006] shall cease to be membersof the foundation as of the effective date of this act [June 16,2006], but shall be eligible for reappointment thereafter pursuant to thissubsection. The governor shall thereupon nominate nine (9) members: three (3)of whom shall serve initial terms of one year; three (3) of whom shall serveinitial terms of two (2) years; and three (3) of whom shall serve initial termsof three (3) years. Thereafter, all appointed members shall be appointed toserve three (3) year terms.