§ 42-6-1 Enumeration of departments. All the administrative powers and duties heretofore vested by law in theseveral state departments, boards, divisions, bureaus, commissions, and otheragencies shall be vested in the following departments and other agencies whichare specified in this title:
(a) Executive department (chapter 7 of this title);
(b) Department of state (chapter 8 of this title);
(c) Department of the attorney general (chapter 9 of thistitle);
(d) Treasury department (chapter 10 of this title);
(e) Department of administration (chapter 11 of this title);
(f) Department of business regulation (chapter 14 of thistitle);
(g) Department of children, youth, and families (chapter 72of this title);
(h) Department of corrections (chapter 56 of this title);
(i) Department of elderly affairs (chapter 66 of this title);
(j) Department of elementary and secondary education (chapter60 of title 16);
(k) Department of environmental management (chapter 17.1 ofthis title);
(l) Department of health (chapter 18 of this title);
(m) Board of governors for higher education (chapter 59 oftitle 16);
(n) Department of labor and training (chapter 16.1 of thistitle);
(o) Department of mental health, retardation, and hospitals(chapter 12.1 of this title);
(p) Department of human services (chapter 12 of this title);
(q) Department of transportation (chapter 13 of this title);
(r) Public utilities commission (chapter 14.3 of this title);
(s) Department of revenue (chapter 142 of title 42);
(t) Department of public safety (chapter 7.3 of this title).