§ 42-6-4 Filling of vacancies. (a) In case of a vacancy in any of the offices listed in § 42-6-3 whilethe senate is in session, the governor shall appoint a director to hold theoffice until his or her successor is appointed and qualified; provided,however, that no person so appointed shall serve in such position for more thanten (10) days unless that person's name shall have been submitted to the senatefor its approval.
(b) In case of a vacancy while the senate is not in session,the governor shall appoint a director to hold the office until the next sessionthereof; provided, however, that no person should serve in such position formore than three (3) legislative days after the senate convenes unless thatperson's name shall have been submitted to the senate for its approval.
(c) In no case shall the governor appoint or designate anyperson to serve as "interim" or "acting" director of any department incircumvention of this section.