§ 42-60.1-2 Definitions. In this chapter the following words and phrases shall have the followingmeanings:
(1) "Ballast efficiency factor" (BEF) means
where relative light output and power input shall bedetermined by manufacturers' testing in accordance with the standard ANSI C32.2-1984.
(2) "Director" means director of the governor's office ofenergy assistance.
(3) "Fluorescent lamp ballast" or "ballast" means a devicedesigned to operate fluorescent lamps by providing a starting voltage andcurrent, and limiting the current during normal operation, but does not includedevices that have a dimming capability or are intended for use in ambienttemperatures of zero degrees Fahrenheit or less, or have a power factor of lessthan .60 for a single F40T12 lamp.
(4) "F40T12 lamp" means a tubular fluorescent lamp that is anominal forty (40) watt lamp with a forty-eight (48) inch tube length and oneand one-half (1 1/2) inches in diameter.
(5) "F96T12 lamp" means a tubular fluorescent lamp that is anominal seventy-five (75) watt lamp with a ninety-six (96) inch tube length andone and one-half (1 1/2) inches in diameter.
(6) "Luminaire" means a complete lighting unit consisting ofa fluorescent lamp or lamps, together with parts designed to distribute thelight, to position and protect these lamps, and to connect these lamps to thepower supply.
(7) "New appliance" means an appliance that is sold, offeredfor sale, or installed for the first time and specifically includes floormodels and demonstration units.
(8) "Nominal input voltage" means an input voltage withinplus five percent (5%) or minus five percent (5%) of a specified value.
(9) "Nominal lamp watts" means the wattage at which a lamp isdesigned to operate and for which it is therefore rated.
(10) "Relative light output" means the test ballast lightoutput divided by a reference ballast light output using the same referencelamp and expressing the value as a percent. These measurements are made at theballast's rated primary voltage.