§ 42-60-4 Information collection. In order to determine whether or not abnormal market disruptions, as theyrelate to energy, exist or are impending, there is created the governor'stechnical assistance committee, which shall convene at the call of thegovernor, and shall meet at least semi-annually. The committee shall consist ofnine (9) members: a representative of the governor's office, appointed by thegovernor who shall serve as chairperson; the attorney general or his or herdesignee; the director of the department of business regulations or his or herdesignee; a representative of the governor's energy office; the executivedirector of the Rhode Island oil heat institute or his or her designee; theexecutive director of the Rhode Island petroleum association or his or herdesignee; a representative of the public utilities commission to be appointedby the director; a representative of the propane retailers organization; and arepresentative of the American Automobile Association of South Central NewEngland to be appointed by governing bodies of the organization andassociation. The committee is authorized and empowered to conductinvestigations, studies, and surveys and to collect data on energy supplies,prices, demand, and consumption. In conducting investigations, studies, andsurveys, the committee, on behalf of the governor, is authorized and empoweredto compel by subpoena the attendance of witnesses and the production of books,papers, records, and documents of individuals, firms, associations, andcorporations. All officers, boards, commissions, and departments of the state,and the political subdivisions of the state, having information with respect toenergy supplies, prices, demand and consumption, shall cooperate with andassist the committee in conducting investigations, studies, and surveys.