§ 42-61.2-1 Definitions. [Effectiveuntil June 30, 2009.]. For the purpose of this chapter, the following words shall mean:
(1) "Central communication system" means a system approved bythe lottery division, linking all video lottery machines at a licensee locationto provide auditing program information and any other information determined bythe lottery. In addition, the central communications system must provide allcomputer hardware and related software necessary for the establishment andimplementation of a comprehensive system as required by the division. Thecentral communications licensee may provide a maximum of fifty percent (50%) ofthe video lottery terminals.
(2) "Licensed video lottery retailer" means a pari-mutuellicensee specifically licensed by the director subject to the approval of thedivision to become a licensed video lottery retailer.
(3) "Net terminal income" means currency placed into a videolottery terminal less credits redeemed for cash by players.
(4) "Pari-mutuel licensee" means an entity licensed andauthorized to conduct:
(i) Dog racing, pursuant to chapter 3.1 of title 41; and/or
(ii) Jai-alai games, pursuant to chapter 7 of title 41.
(5) "Technology provider" means any individual, partnership,corporation, or association that designs, manufactures, installs, operates,distributes or supplies video lottery machines or associated equipment for thesale or use in this state.
(6) "Video lottery games" means lottery games played on videolottery terminals controlled by the lottery division.
(7) "Video lottery terminal" means any electroniccomputerized video game machine that, upon the insertion of cash, is availableto play a video game authorized by the lottery division, and which uses a videodisplay and microprocessors in which, by chance, the player may receive freegames or credits that can be redeemed for cash. The term does not include amachine that directly dispenses coins, cash, or tokens.