§ 42-61.2-9 Devices in use lawful in thisstate. (a) No other law providing for any penalty or disability for the:
(1) Manufacture, keeping, possession, or operation of, orpermitting the manufacture, keeping, possession, or operation of any machine,device, apparatus, or subassembly of these items, to be used in gambling orplaying a game of chance for money; or
(2) Any acts done in connection with a lottery, shall applyto the manufacture, keeping, possession, or operation of, or the permitting ofthe manufacture, keeping, possession, or operation of any machine, device,apparatus, or subassembly of these items performed pursuant to this chapter.
(b) Notwithstanding the provisions of any other law, thesale, lease, transportation, storage, and manufacture of machines, devices,apparatus, and subassemblies of these items to be used in gambling or playing agame of chance for money or other valuable consideration other than lotterygames, is permitted, provided that these machines, devices, apparatus, andsubassemblies of these items are sold, leased, transported, stored, andmanufactured for subsequent transportation in interstate or foreign commerce. Aviolation of this section is a misdemeanor.