§ 42-62-16 Health resources developmentfund. (a) There is established in the department of health the health resourcesdevelopment fund to be administered by the director of the department of healthpursuant to the terms and for the purposes stated in this section and §42-62-17.
(b) Moneys in the fund or for a project authorized pursuantto § 42-62-17 may be expended by contract, loan, or grant, to maintain, toexpand, and to improve health facilities, health services, and health educationin the state. The purposes shall include the following: construction ormodernization of health facilities, the education or training of persons whowould be qualified to provide professional health services, meeting thestart-up costs of new forms of health delivery systems, such as healthmaintenance organizations, benefits for persons lacking adequate insuredcoverage, and the development and implementation of experiments in lower costsor to improve the quality, availability, and accessibility of health services.
(c) Moneys provided by loan shall be disbursed for periodsnot exceeding twenty-five (25) years and at an annual rate of interest notexceeding five percent (5%).
(d) Moneys may be made available for scholarships to schoolsof medicine or dentistry on the condition that for each year of educationalcost provided by the fund the recipient is required to serve as an employee ofthe department of health or the department of mental health, retardation, andhospitals for a period of two (2) years.
(e) Moneys disbursed from the fund or for projects authorizedby § 42-62-17 shall be for purposes in conformance with state plans forcomprehensive health, health services, manpower, and land use, as approved bythe governor.
(f) The director of the department of health, in consultationwith the appropriate departmental advisory councils, shall establish criteriafor eligible capital projects and eligible education and training projectswhich are consistent with the comprehensive health, manpower, and land useplans approved by the governor.