§ 42-63.1-12 Distribution of tax to RhodeIsland Convention Center Authority. (a) The proceeds of the hotel tax generated by any and all hotels physicallyconnected to the Rhode Island Convention Center shall be distributed asfollows: twenty-seven percent (27%) shall be deposited as general revenues;thirty-one percent (31%) shall be given to the convention authority of the cityof Providence; twelve percent (12%) shall be given to the greaterProvidence-Warwick convention and visitor's bureau; thirty percent (30%) shallbe given to the Rhode Island convention center authority to be used in thefurtherance of the purposes set forth in § 42-99-4.
(b) The Rhode Island Convention Center Authority isauthorized and empowered to enter into contracts with the GreaterProvidence-Warwick Convention and Visitors' Bureau in the furtherance of thepurposes set forth in this chapter.