§ 42-63.5-6 Convention center garageparking. Notwithstanding the provisions of any other general or special law, the RhodeIsland Convention Center Authority is authorized and directed to make availablefor the use of validated retail shoppers, one thousand (1,000) parking spacesin the Convention Center North Garage during the months of November, Decemberand January of each year of the term of the Ground Lease as it may be extended,provided that the Convention Center North Garage continues to be open forparking. The rates payable to the Convention Center Authority for parking byMall shoppers with the shopping validation required for parking in theProvidence Place Garage shall be: (1) during the first ten (10) years of theterm of the Parking Garage Lease, one dollar ($1.00) for the first three (3)hours and after three (3) hours at the market rate charged in the ConventionCenter North Garage, and (2) after ten (10) years, for the first three (3)hours at the same rate then applicable in the Providence Place Garage for Mallshoppers with applicable validation, but in no event less than one dollar($1.00) as adjusted by any increase in the Consumer Price Index, and afterthree (3) hours at the market rate charged in the Convention Center NorthGarage.