§ 42-64.1-3 Definitions. As used in this chapter, the following words and terms shall have the followingmeanings unless the context shall indicate another or different meaning orintent:
(1) "Economic development project" means a project undertakenby the economic development corporation for the acquisition, improvement anddevelopment of land and facilities thereon, for sale or lease to, and use byprivate industry and business (or for the discharge of indebtedness incurred bythe port authority in connection with the foregoing activities) and shallinclude, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the development ofindustrial parks, the acquisition of lands, buildings and other improvements,the installation, construction or reconstruction of site improvements,utilities, sewerage and water lines and systems, water towers, roads,rights-of-way, easements, engineering services, and other expenses related tothe acquisition, improvement, and disposition of the project.
(2) "Project area" means the area within which thedevelopment project is located.
(3) "Rhode Island economic development corporation" means thepublic corporation and governmental agency and instrumentality of the statecreated pursuant to the Rhode Island Economic Development Corporation Act, orany subsidiary corporation approved by the general assembly.
(4) "The Rhode Island Economic Development Corporation Act"means chapter 64 of this title, as amended or supplemented from time to time.