§ 42-64.10-9 Reporting. The corporation shall submit to the governor, the president of the senate, thespeaker of the house, and the chief elected official of the towns of NorthKingstown, East Greenwich, and Jamestown, and of any other town or city inwhich the corporations owns or manages real property, within six (6) monthsafter the close of its fiscal year, a complete and detailed report settingforth: (a) its operations and accomplishments; (b) its receipts andexpenditures during the fiscal year in accordance with the categories andclassifications established by the corporation for its operating and capitaloutlay purposes including a listing of all private consultants engaged by thecorporation on a contract basis and a statement of the total amount paid toeach private consultant; (c) its assets and liabilities at the end of itsfiscal year including a schedule of its leases and mortgages and the status ofthe reserve, special or other funds; and (d) its strategic plan and operatingplan for the current fiscal year and proposed for the next fiscal year; and (e)a general statement of needs and opportunities relevant to its purposes. Thereports required by subsections (b) and (c) of this section shall be preparedby independent certified public accountants in accordance with generallyaccepted principles of accounting.