§ 42-64.8-4 Membership of commission. (a) The commission shall be composed of ten (10) members as follows:
(1) The chairperson of the house finance committee or his orher designee;
(2) The chairperson of the senate finance committee or his orher designee;
(3) The director of administration or his or her designee;
(4) The director of the Rhode Island economic developmentcorporation;
(5) Two (2) city and/or town officials from a municipalitywith two thousand (2,000) persons per square mile or more based on the mostrecent U.S. Census appointed by the speaker of the house;
(6) Two (2) city and/or town officials from a municipalitywith two thousand (2,000) persons per square mile or more based on most recentU.S. Census appointed by the president of the senate;
(7) The president of the Rhode Island League of Cities andTowns or his or her designee; and
(8) The president of the Rhode Island Public ExpenditureCouncil or his or her designee.
(b) The governor shall designate a mayor to serve aschairperson of the commission, and the vice-chairperson of the commission shallalso be designated by the governor from among the members. In the event of theabsence or disability of both the chairperson and vice chairperson, the membersof the commission shall elect a temporary chairperson by a majority vote ofthose present and voting.
(c) Should any member cease to be an officer or employee ofthe unit or agency he or she is appointed to represent, his or her membershipon the commission shall terminate immediately. Any vacancy on the commissionshall be filled by the appointing authority in the same manner as the originalappointment.