§ 42-64.8-7 Meetings Hearings Committees. (a) The commission shall hold meetings at such other times as it deemsnecessary. The commission may hold public hearings from time-to-time on matterswithin its purview.
(b) Each office, board, commission, council, department oragency of state government, and each political subdivision of the state, shallcooperate with the commission in carrying out the functions and duties imposedby this chapter.
(c) The commission may establish committees as it deemsadvisable and feasible, whose membership shall include at least one member ofthe commission, but only the commission itself may set policy or take otherofficial action.
(d) The commission shall promulgate rules of proceduregoverning its operations.
(e) All meetings of the commission, or any committee of it,at which public business is discussed or formal action is taken shall conformto the state open meetings laws.