§ 42-64.9-10 Exemption or stabilization oftaxes. Notwithstanding the provisions of any municipal charter or any other general,special or local law to the contrary, real property taxes for a certifiedbuilding and tangible property taxes of the owner or owners of a certifiedbuilding for tangible property used in the certified building may be exemptedfrom payment, in whole or in part, notwithstanding the valuation of theproperty or the rate of tax, by vote of the city or town council to the extentdeemed appropriate by the city or town council to carry out the purposes ofthis chapter. This section shall be construed to provide a complete, additionaland alternative authority for the city or town council to grant exemption orstabilization of real or tangible property taxes with respect to certifiedbuildings, and the granting of tax exemption or stabilization by the city ortown council under the provisions of this section does not require the takingof any other proceedings or the happening of any condition, except for the voteof the city or town council.