§ 42-64.9-16 Additional rules andregulations. (a) The state tax administration shall promulgate appropriate rules andregulations to ensure the proper administration of the taxation provisions ofthis chapter. The council shall promulgate appropriate rules and regulationswith respect to the building certification process, and the certification ofeligible businesses, and shall advise the tax administrator of them and shallpromulgate any other rules and regulations that may be necessary to carry outthe provisions of this chapter.
(b) In addition to the rules and regulations as provided insubsection (a), the Rhode Island economic development corporation, withassistance from the department of administration office of systems planning andsubject to the approval of the enterprise zone council, shall adopt performancestandards in order to evaluate the effectiveness of this chapter inaccomplishing its stated purpose.
(c) The evaluation, according to the performance standardsestablished by subsection (b), shall be conducted and reported on an annualbasis for each of the years the provisions of this chapter are in force.