§ 42-64.9-6 Notice of final designation ofcertified building. (a) Upon notice to the council that the municipality has satisfied therequirements of § 42-64.9-5(b)(2)(i) through (vi), the council shallprovide to the municipality and to the certified building owner a writtennotice of final designation, which notice shall include a statement that anindependent appraisal is required in order to comply with the requirements of§ 42-64.9-4(13).
(b) The certification and the benefits accruing thereto shallapply for no more than five (5) years from the date of final designation by thecouncil, except in the case of the carryover of unused specialized investmenttax credits as provided by § 44-31-2, and in no case shall the benefitsaccruing be applied retroactively.