§ 42-64-9.1 Inspection powers. (a) The Rhode Island economic development corporation is authorized to carryout all inspection, surveillance and monitoring procedures necessary todetermine, independent of information supplied by any discharger or permitholder compliance or non-compliance by the person with pretreatmentrequirements prescribed by the corporation.
(b) The corporation or its duly authorized employees oragents, upon presentation of identification and appropriate credentials, isauthorized:
(1) To enter without delay and at reasonable times, thosepremises, both public and private, either receiving services from thecorporation, or applying for a permit for discharge into the corporation'swastewater collection and treatment system;
(2) To examine any and all records kept in accordance withthe rules and regulations adopted by the corporation, or required by permit orcompliance order or maintained pursuant to § 42-64-7.9;
(3) To have access to and inspect or test any monitoring ortesting equipment or monitoring or testing method, or to sample any effluent ordischarge during regular working hours, or at other reasonable times, or at anytime a discharge is reasonably believed to present an imminent danger to humanhealth or the environment.
(c) Any person obstructing, hindering or in any way causingto be obstructed or hindered the corporation or its duly authorized employeesor agents in the performance of their duties, or who shall refuse to permit thecorporation or its duly authorized employees or agents entrance to or egressfrom any premises, buildings, plant or equipment or other places belonging toor controlled by the person in the performance of his or her duties shall besubject to the civil and criminal penalties set forth in §§ 42-64-9.2and 42-64-9.3.