§ 42-66.1-3 Program established. (a) In order to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of elderly citizens whoare residents of housing for the elderly, the director shall establish a grantprogram to assist in providing security at housing for the elderly complexes.
(b) Participation in the program shall be voluntary. Theowner, manager, or governing body of a housing complex for the elderly shallapply to the director to be part of the program.
(c) The director shall require each complex that participatesin the program to submit satisfactory evidence of a periodic and ongoingresident security educational program and a safety and security plan.
(d) The director shall establish regulations to require eachhousing for the elderly complex, as part of its tenant acceptance process, toreview and consider any notice provided to the housing complex as required insubsection 42-56-10(23) concerning the tenant's or prospective tenant's statuson parole and recommendations, if any, regarding safety and security measures.