§ 42-66.10-2 Elder Health InsuranceConsumer Assistance Program. (a) The director of elderly affairs shall establish an elder health insuranceconsumer assistance program to:
(1) Provide elder consumers of private and public healthinsurance programs information relating to choice of health insurance productsand the rights and responsibilities of consumers and insurers under suchproducts;
(2) Operate a toll-free telephone line to respond to requestsfor information, advice or assistance concerning health insurance in a timelyand efficient manner;
(3) Produce and disseminate information about theavailability of the elder health insurance consumer assistance program andeducational materials concerning health insurance and patient rights;
(4) Provide assistance (in non-litigative settings) to elderindividuals who desire to appeal a denial or termination or reduction of healthservices, or the refusal to pay for such services, under a health insuranceplan or program;
(5) Make referrals to appropriate private and public entitiesor individuals so that inquiries, problems, and grievances with respect tohealth insurance can be handled promptly and efficiently; and
(6) Collect data concerning inquiries, problems, andgrievances handled by the elder health insurance consumer assistance program.
(b) The department of elderly affairs may operate the elderhealth insurance consumer assistance program, directly or by contract or otherarrangement, including the use of appropriately trained volunteers, with anypublic agency or non-profit organization. To the maximum extent possible, thedepartment of elderly affairs shall coordinate the activities of the elderhealth insurance consumer assistance program with other programs of a similarpurpose carried out by other state departments or the federal government.