§ 42-66.2.1-4.1 Discount agreements. (a) The contractor shall be authorized to negotiate and enter into agreementswith manufacturers and pharmacies to provide discounts on prescription drugs.In general, the contractor shall seek discounts from pharmacies andmanufacturers that are comparable to those available under health plans thatprovide pharmacy benefits to employees of state and local government entities.
(b) The departments of human services and elderly affairs, inconsultation with the contractor, shall establish maximum prices to be chargedan enrollee, and the contractor shall establish and publicize special valueprices where it has established a significant discount on a generic drug orwhere a drug's manufacturer has agreed to subsidize discounts by makingquarterly rebate payments. The contractor shall establish any arrangements forcompensating pharmacies where the prices payable by enrollees have been reducedusing manufacturer rebates, and for collecting administrative fees paid byenrollees to pharmacies. The contractor shall establish arrangements forfacilitating application by Best Rx enrollees to patient assistance programsoffered by participating manufacturers.
(c) Pharmacy dispensing fees shall be uniformly establishedin advance at an amount that shall not exceed two dollars and fifty cents($2.50) per prescription, and shall be paid directly to the pharmacy by theprogram beneficiaries.