§ 42-66.2.1-7 Advisory commission. (a) There is hereby established the Rhode Island Best Rx Program AdvisoryCommission. The Commission shall be responsible for the marketing, educationand promotion of the Rhode Island Best Rx Discount Program for the Uninsuredand shall set administrative fees as required under § 42-66.2.1-5 andotherwise advise the General Assembly on the operation of the Rhode Island BestRx Discount Program for the Uninsured.
(b) The advisory commission shall have the followingcomposition: (i) a representative of organized labor appointed by the presidentof the Rhode Island AFL-CIO; (ii) a representative of the Alliance for RetiredAmericans appointed by the executive director; (iii) a representative of theAmerican Association of Retired Persons appointed by the executive director;(iv) a representative of retail pharmacists licensed and operating in the stateof Rhode Island, as appointed by the Rhode Island Pharmacists Association; (v)three (3) representatives of the research-based pharmaceutical manufacturers;(vi) the speaker of the house or his or her designee; (vii) the president ofthe senate or his or her designee; (viii) the Director of the Department ofHuman Services, or his or her designee; and (ix) the Director of the Departmentof Elderly Affairs, or his or her designee.
(c) The speaker of the house or his or her designee, and thepresident of the senate or his or her designee, shall co-chair the advisorycommission, and the commission shall meet at the call of the chair, but no lessfrequently than once per year.
(d) Commission members in subsections (i) through (iv) hereinshall be appointed as above and shall serve such terms as may be designated bytheir respective constituencies and shall receive no compensation for theirservice.
(e) The director or designated representative of thedepartment of human services and the department of elderly affairs shall benon-voting ex-officio members of the advisory commission.
(f) A quorum for consideration of business is no fewer thanfive (5) voting members present. Recommendations and action of the councilshall be adopted by a two-thirds (2/3) majority, and no minority action shallbe authorized.